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Our line of dairy ingredients enhances the appearance, aroma, flavour, taste, texture and shelf life in fermented dairy foods.
LyoPro MO
Performs best at 77-90°F (25 – 32°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●○○○○
Gas: ○○○○○
~~~~~ PARALLEL TO~~~~~~
Danisco MA Series
Christian Hansen R-704
Biena NA
LyoPro MD
Performs best at 77-90°F (25 – 32°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●●○○
Gas: ●●●○○
~~~~~~PARALLEL TO~~~~~
Danisco MM Series
Christian Hansen NA
Biena NA
LyoPro Floralac
Performs best at 77-90°F (25 – 32°C).
Acidification: ●●●○○
Aroma: ●●●●●
Gas: ●●●●○
~~~~~~PARALLEL TO ~~~~~~~
Danisco Probat 222
Christian Hanson Flora Danica
Biena Meso Aroma B
LyoPro MB
Performs best at 86-99°F (30-37°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●○○○
Gas: ○○○○○
~~~~~PARALLEL TO ~~~~~
Danisco RA Serie
Christian Hanse RST Serie
Biena Meso ll
Performs best at 86-99°F (30-37°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●●○○
Gas: ○○○○○
~~~~~PARALLEL TO ~~~~~
Danisco MT Series
Christan Hanson Safeit series
Beina NA
LyoPro MBH
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●●●●
Gas: ○○○○○
Description: A homofermentative culture blend that shows good fermentation performance and aromatic abilities related to the presesence of Lactobacillus helveticus which has more proteolytical activity than other strains and produces a sweet nutty type flavor in cheeses that go through longer ripening periods. It is suggested for the production of semi-hard, hard and very hard cheeses.
LyoPro TPF
Performs best at 95-113°F (35-45°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●○○○
Proteolysis: ○○○○○
Gas: ○○○○○
~~~~~PARALLEL TO ~~~~~
Danisco TA Series
Christian Hansen STI Series
Biena Thermo B
LyoPro TAC
Performs best at 95-113°F (35-45°C).
Acidification: ●●●●○
Aroma: ●●●●○
Proteolysis: ●●●●○
Gas: ○○○○○
~~~~~PARALLEL TO~~~~~
Danisco NA
Christian Hanson NA
Biena NA
This culture is unique to Codex-ing with both Bulgaris and Helveticus included
LyoPro PC Penicillium Candidum (BLOOMY RIND)
Proteolysis ●●●○○
Lypolysis: ●●●●○
A white mold culture that shows a weak to medium proteolytic activity, weak lipolytic activity and average sensitivity to NaCl. The culture typically forms a white, flat, yeast-like mycelium. It reduces bitterness and produces aromatic compounds such as methylcetones, alcohols and fatty free acids. It also breaks down lactic acid resulting in an increase in the pH of the cheese and allows the development of ripening flora (for instance the corynebacteria). Its rapid growth prevents atypical molds from contaminating the cheese.
LyoPro Geo Candidum
Proteolysis: ●●●○○
Lypolysis: ●●○○○
A white mold culture that shows a weak to medium proteolytic activity, weak lipolytic activity and average sensitivity to NaCl. The culture typically forms a white, flat, yeast-like mycelium. It reduces bitterness and produces aromatic compounds such as methylcetones, alcohols and fatty free acids. It also breaks down lactic acid resulting in an increase in the pH of the cheese and allows the development of ripening flora (for instance the corynebacteria). Its rapid growth prevents atypical molds from contaminating the cheese.
LyoPro PR (blue cheeses)
Proteolysis: ●●●●○
Lypolysis ●●●●○
Description: Dark blue-green mycelium with a piquant flavor. It presents a high growth rate and has a medium-high proteolytic and lipolytic activity.
Application: Danablu, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Edelpilzkase, Stilton.
Composition: Penecillium Roqueforti
LyoPro Propionic (eyes)
Acidification: ●●○○○
Aroma: ●●●○○
Gas: ●●●●●
Large eye formation
A typical culture with high temperature resistance that can be used in conjunction with mesophilic or thermophilic starters . Its good capacity of gas formation gives cheeses the characteristic eyes, aroma and flavor in Swiss Cheese types where the typical propionic aroma and eye formation are desired.
Composition: Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii
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